ChR15iLOG-DOone, oops JUNE 22

see links @ freegocoop.blogs if you wish to know my experience, capabilities, know-how, global net (vi an a on ) & ME .. wont be a 5m ride! +REdS linked ( here )&@ rednet -alien. .... I am initiating a CALL for a GLOBAL general STRIKE.. non violent but HONEST & TRUE consequence of INSURRECTION. v all major corporates, everywhere and all national governments who have since the UDHR 1948 (& echr) HAVE VIolATED, ABUSED the vow all "democracies" made to you & yours ! i do NOT encourage :chat" but if you have true & honest questions ' go to comments below, because i wont use (anti-social, sponsored) media) if you post an email address I will reply if its true, dont waste my time & i wont waste you! you participate in GENERAL STRIKE via blocking the guilty, complaining in person,protesting boycotting & demos .. you are NOT alone ..we are ALL ONE Y N W A ! WE are all IMPORTANT people.. DO IT