ChRiS llive blocked ans censoREd! ;
chrisenergy blocked ......
you should catch up with < ? >WILL YOU FIGHT, .... to be FREE?
and from A.C.S via
video eco-logistics
a brief intro into unique strategic experience and know-how!
available only to selected members
AS I am the most effective confidential strategic manager ,in the world
but also as I have considerable spare time, as I limit my "working hours" I organise non profit and fun events , nature & hiking for my visiting friends , what do YOU do?

X ChRiS SMITH ...linked
a quiet intro....
I have my own UNIQUE youth academy in the Balkans, ... speak several languages and due to the nature and classification of my confidential status in Strategic management , will not detail the locations, I formed F & U : International HUB" group and in my SPARE time, organise community events such as REd nose days and co-operative exchange synergy throughout my global contacts! my "fun events" include off season nature tours , concerts and hiking for members and friends of client companies!
how may I assist your aims?
ChRiS / F & U ngo

JOURNAL 11-18 January;
FUBAR world = FUBAR MSM, boycott all adverts!
stop WARbiz, pollution and poverty policies
insurgency not only inevitable,it is VITAL! SUPPORT strikers worldwide with original SPIRIT, energy, sharing & SOUL! To achieve our common aims!
join Adam@ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL_CO-OP

ukraine is a thug led, corrupt and racist regime,
but of course UasSA is just a larger version ! u/NAzTO killed more civilians since the 80s than any other nation!
via WARbiz, pollution & poverty policies, dictatorship!
updated@ chrisenergy.livejournal. com
Most of the several bilion occupants of this planet lie or cheat.. and
the more power YOU give thenm the BIGGER their lies and cheat, and WE
SHOULD all KNOW that politicians break all the promisese they made to
get your vote!
The cuurrency is fake, UasSA corp is bankrupt its impossible for the
ameriCANTS to repay all their debt , DO U UNDERSTAND THIS? Fo you GET
it? That makes USD wortless, and most of the stock market corps are
bankrupt too, your USD, Euro, GBP are just coloured paper
Billionaires have billions of ZERO 1000,000,000 x ZERO = ZERO!
Mainsteam media is simply OPINION, and (anti socia) media is also
controlled its NOT FREE, it is manipulated just as much as the sponsored
CNN, BBC, SLYtv or your national TV :news;
Theres is NO e3conomic crisis, prices and markets are based on inflated
"value" and speculation which artificially drives up the adverised
costs , but its all a mirage , after all why would anything now cost MORE
, with automation and logistics obsession than 40 years ago? (when
everything was "labour intensive" >>??
when will you educate your self
and instead join local and global coop such as anonworld or our Freedom
e Union ngo association a global share with local equality of chance to have a GOOD, not rich life?

YOU do NOT need politicians! haven't you learnt from history? at all?
realise; None Of Us Are Free;
& militant Mick sees that INSURGENCY is vital! ;
impossible to negotiate with fascisTORY (govt) terrorists!
who now truly cares about the SOUL of our club?
who now truly cares about the SOUL of our game?
stop t moaning, DO something to kick sharks out of Football &..your
we claim shares for SUPPORTERS
there is no opposition too fascisTORY govt and sheepel keep on giving
power to politicians who always break promises!
impossible to negotiate with fascisTORY (govt) terrorists!
14 01 ...
progress an existing co-operative non profit "freedom e Union"
co-operative to benefit
those identified as HONEST TRUE Red SUPPORTERS worldwide with original
SPIRIT, energy, honest sharing & SOUL! To achieve our common aims!
the fascist , bullies, WARbiz Morons as enemy are easier to understand
than "friendly alternative" writers of articles & books on avaaz and
counter-slap.(weak opposition) which feeds potential RebELs and
alternative groups with stuff to read, when YOU all must realise what
the problems are and IF this world society is to be "saved" only action
YESTERDAY gas a slim chance!
<counter-punch> ..blah blah, even some clever TOO late!
...(Melv> " If you believe that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was
unprovoked, then perhaps you should read no further. And, if you
believe that Vladimir Putin will allow the United States and Europe to
bring Ukraine into the Western security orbit, then once again you
should read no further. ( 2023/01/12/can-the-united-states-provide-an-off-ramp-for-putin ) ..
"cynical use of Ukraine and its people to weaken and divide Russia."
Putin emphasized that "We have never and will never allow anyone to do
this to us." ..." Rice and Gates, who are addicted to the use of
military force, acknowledge that Ukraine's "economy is in shambles,
millions of its people have fled, its infrastructure is being destroyed,
and much of its mineral wealth, industrial capacity and considerable
agricultural land are under Russian control." Nevertheless, they want
to escalate the war "
" the massive U.S. defense budget, still dedicated to Washington's
dying dreams of global dominance (and the corporate weapons makers that
go with it), could be redirected ....' extracted from the cRAP of (
some are truly committed to insurgency, which is not only INEVITABLE, it
is VITAL! ...
...september 24, 2022, more than 30,000 people occupied the main roads of
downtown Seoul, South Korea, for the nation's largest climate justice
march. The sheer turnout of people from all walks of life and the
participation by a wide range of advocacy groups were a testament to the
impact of climate change on every aspect of life: human rights, women's
rights, religion, food insecurity, and labor rights. (
... USAcorp continual INFESTING the world , but often failing...
" Los Angeles Times reports that "the audacious gamble by the U.S.
government to...restore democracy" suffered a "spectacular failure" in
Venezuela. (
) " ... " Guaidó's clique did enrich itself with stolen Venezuelan assets
handed over to them by the US. " ...."DESPITE Uscorp efforts to overthrow
the government and cause the populace to turn against their elected
officials in the face of punishing sanctions...Their govt built over three
million houses between 2015 and 2022, UasSA MSM & c1A stirs brazilian
....the WHOLE WORLD IS FUBAR and YOU the local & global sheeple allowed th
few to make it so, as you STILL condemn your kids to "education" that
merely feeds the monster killing you all!
and typical another RALLY: Building the fightback in 2023.
Online rally, 6.30pm, Wednesday February 1. Register here // Invite &
share here // Retweet here. Amd talk , chat & sms , its easier than
DOING your part to improve your world? <
co-operative to benefit
HONEST TRUE Red SUPPORTERS worldwide To achieve our common aims!
? teaching them to be fodder to corrupt &fascist regime generation after
generation , do you hate kids?
Insurgency not only inevitable, IS VITAL! v govt & corPRAT tyranny!
impossible to negotiate with (govt) terrorists!
ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL_CO-OP HAVENT YOU NOTICED, that the media mention "FLU" for the
first time since 2019..?
as more scandals of the big pharma exploitation become known, sheeple
still dont relaise
that "Covid" is another name for "FLU" however more dangerous it seems
to be?
sheeple so easily manipulated & surrender to lies!
haven't you learnt from history? at all?
realise; None Of Us Are Free;
INSURGENCY is vital! ;
impossible to negotiate with fascisTs (govt)
011 NO twats???????????
Ben Murphy birthday
more counter-soft-punch articles to make sure you never have tie for
EFFECTIVE protest!
99.9% of USAcorp sheeple act like they dont accept they stole that
continent, committed genocide and are ancestors of imigrants even C-P
writers? ;(
2023/01/10/title-42-safe-third-countries-and-bipartisan-hypocrisy )
ameriCANTS dream is GLOBAL nightmare " epublicans and Democrats would do
well to remember that most Americans—70 percent according to a 2022
Gallup poll—favor immigration and think it is good for the country "
"Latin American candidates who don't automatically align with the United
States have been consistently winning elections since 2021. " whilst
ameriCANT morons in & out oif the corrupt white house regime focus of
"destruction" of russians & chinese powerful global progress... and re
establishment of FUBAR dictatorship via schools " corporate
university, in response to declining public support for higher
education, took control of the curriculum in order to generate revenue.

progress co-operative to benefit HONEST TRUE Red SUPPORTERS worldwide with original SPIRIT, energy, honest sharing & SOUL! To achieve our common aims!
& join Adam@ChRiSlive_JOIN_JUSTICEforALL_CO-OP
because no one was punished for the murder of our 97!
stop their moaning, DO something to change Lfc..
kick sharks out of footy! and..our lives!
we claim shares for SUPPORTERS
I am communicative, speak several languages and due to the nature and classification of my confidential status in Strategic management , will not detail the locations, I would like to offer members to meet one per month in a good location and exchange helpful info about the local community and tips for new visitors (or even just exchange ideas" " to improve our community and each others lives, what do you think about this? i would appreciate your response, either positive or negative!
ReplyDelete* Formed Freedome & Union (mission) & associated charity projects (EPOCH)May 1 2000 during "U-haft"
ReplyDeleteENABLED: -
Human Shields - protection of hospitals & schools in Baghdad pre-invasion
Medinetz - free health services for "sans papier" migrants/refugees
NGO.s for ... those violated by the state, & estranged children & parents
Eco courses for ebvironmental education & anti nuclear and anti pollution actions
During 10 years of "alternative activism" made 54 complaints against german "Beamte" police, attorneys, judges, civil servants, officials, politicians & citizens at ECHR (Strasbourg) (state reacted by fake deportation and assisted theft of children Leon & Noela.)
Organised first "RED nose (charity) events in Netherlands (Groeningen) & Montenegro (Danilovgrad)
Youth Teams - Sponsored in the Balkans & various charitable projects (* RED nose events and support for various individuals).....and was "attacked" for forming , sponsoring and promoting ALTERNATIVE football
confederation...(AeFan ; eurofootyliga) ...
is now....?
a true report
esna thanks for your reply, even if 2 months late...
* came 2 months after u promised to read my mail
* I wanted YOU to read my history so that i would not have to explain my whole life each time , because my "news" is connected to past present & future
* I have never crossed YOU. ..I just dont want to make "small talk" IF YOU cant even spend the time to know something I asked you
* you DID ignore me, Rasmus did NOT invite me, I walked past as he is my neighbour, he brought me inside, i looked to you twice and u didn't want to see me
* I know Balkan culture is careless, and you all do things like careless children, but if you are Insensitive after I show so much friendly contribution then you cant be MY friend
* I gave you my time , THAT is the MOST VALUABLE thing I can GIVE
* I said I would HELP you (and I made many researches on your behalf, for botanical garden)
* I offered assistance to you & your son (english lessons)
* Entertained you, and more IMPORTANTLY showed you UTMOST RESPECT
* YOU are NO my Friend, because a TRUE FRIEND CARES about the OTHER, I asked you for NOTHING except to CARE,
* you expect me to ignore your ignorance, at Kino, and at Belavists after I had entertained you almost that whole weekend..
and that YOU chose not to be MY as sad for WILL never meet anyone like me
and I will be gone, when you wake up to this.. because...
YES I am SPECIAL<> if you read my history, which you did not, then perhaps you would understand why! ...
I can live without stress, i simply asked you to be human, small things matter
there are too many assholes in this world, so not be another one!
On 2023-01-14 04:39, VES_FU_ME wrote:
> I had a friend who had no friends but me. It was tiresome, she had
> only me, I have many. Few times I said to her, she felt offended.
> Later she decided to cross me. My life is better without her, she was
> taking my energy. I feel quite the same with you.
> I didn't ignore you at the party I had fun. You think we should stop
> everything we do and look at you? You need so much attention, to much
> for me. Very easy you get offended, than drama you are making.. I
> don't want heavy and complicated relationships witch causing more
> stress. I own you nothing Chris. How can you think I should act like
> you want? Only because you named me friend. I should feel special and
> I should fit in YOUR image of friends? No, thanks.
> I'm a friend, but in the way I feel it.
The alternative"Mr Smith"
DeleteI am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune, a pirate without a ship
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war, a Manager without an office...🙂
an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one...without limits .... complete.! ..
this is the "TRAILER" of a TRUE story...
like so many heroes & anti-heroes theres always an alternative story
the film "Matrix" had one of the "agent Smith:..
this is our version.. a true one...
a universal spirit chose a family from the Island north of europe ("Britain")
to host a child born to a mature coupel who had survived WW2
and he became the youngest , by 10 years born into that socialist home..
An intense child, who suffered from migrains.. who listened to the exchanges
of his parents and his brothers & sister , he was 10 years their junior..and alone in his room,
studied science fixtion, addicted to SF TV like "space patrol" and later "Star Trek"
at 10 studied Strategies of WW2 generals ...and was "at home" when playing 007 with his neighbours
...his mother told him much about life, who was engahed in socialist politics
he loved her & his honest, quiet but strong father. he soaked up info..
migrain headaches stole his school time... but when fit would spend all day playing football in the fields
or acting out imaginary stories in the empty concrete AA bunkers...
; Bill and Nancy Smith, buried at Canvey showed much love, Everyone loved died or was stolen, saw hia Dad buried, the only funeral he was able to attend. having survived being Blind at the age of 5 , falling on a glass bottle in a field. coped with being alone in an adult eye hospital in London, 3 months blind and 3 months recovery.
Age 5, protected a polio kid on my first day of school, and knocked out a bully with one punch!
Enjoyed history and Geography , had a bad art & music teacher , and was top in Maths & english.
became the youngest captain of the local football team. but abandodned his great passion, to
help his family income, & a job ,given at his first and last proper interview, at 16, in wine shipping co, London
The first "sexual relationship" with a girl who then told him she had a daughter from a man who ran off and left her, so married her and adopted 6 month old Sarah. Adam was born a year later...
ReplyDeletebecame Manager (Logistics) of London shipping co. at the age of 19, when they found he could do the job,cheaper and better than the older man, (middle aged man) with house, wife amd adopted family.
His first wife left him , going home to visit her mother , she met a younger man, (!) after ADAM was born..she left me a " dearjohn" note and Smith's pain turned into energy channeled into career & took over his time though,.( but still managed to support his club during business travels later)
Joined "ISIS shipping" (hello c1a!) London and became international Commercial manager ,organising shipments taking over from middle aged Peter King, began pan - european travel & negociating agent tarifs at 21..and a couple of years later, after crashing his first new company car on a french holiday with girfriend (GM) crashed another car during an interview with another company, which he quit a week later, before becoming Youngest manager (new service development) of the largest logistics company in europe (Calberson)with head office in Paris, then head-hunted by Essel shipping London, who "bought" HIM)
was fired after a rumour betrayed him, Started Seabrook & Smith Ltd, in the middle of a recession, had unique a method of management , withjust 2 people organising the movement of several million bottles from zero start up, with just 500 GBP invested. tHus, Achieved all career goals before age 30, to be a manager, to travel, to own own company & after just 2 years as instigator, MD/co-owner was Multi millionaire (based on todays monetary value) married the beautiful Jacqui, best friend & colleague of his gf !!
Some meddling by partners wife...after leaving S & S."party period" , formed 8 companies; agencies, import/export, shipping, distribution, forwarding, wine warehouse and wine win bar, had to deal with family crisis when Informed that the (bad) first wife had allowed one of her many BFs to violate children Sarah & Adam, (discovered 5 years later) Adam died as adult. mental sickness...(drugs ^ etc) young..
DeleteAfter he survived betrayal by investment partners,(one who died in a :plane crash; RW) conspiracy by ex partner GF, Linda & Brother , losing a Million GBP& ,family. house and all assets, became :house man: and started again.... became freelance strategic manager, initiating many different networking and JV projects including lecturing senior police commanders about security management, developed confidential protects, met many unusual govt and business characters before starting ANOTHER new career included 1988 awarded commendation for record investment achievement, highest commission earned whilst consulting for SAS (Sun Alliance Services) :) within 1 year of training.
...during another challenging time.. was Made "man of the year" (during Bordeaux covention) by Round Table International (europe) for my achievements in international co-ordination, also RT Italia gave "homorary membership, despite being "loose" unattached to any fixed location.
made some new peofit which was invested all into 7 years construction of Global networking multi media project ("to end all projects") development of multi-media comms connecting clients in 45 countries, with 300 partner companies & 500+ services .....Having Walked away, unhurt, from 3 car crashes where the cars were "written off" ...(Trento too with Jacqui, Karen & dave, story at Wine bar)... At the network fruition , after a week negotiating , amongst other things , the commercialization of former soviet satellite system,to employ 2k ppl, "silicon valley" (KIEV)
1995, was still considered a young "wizz kid" ....survived a ("meningitis"?) induced coma
and was
"Born again" ; dropped out of system, with a clear vision of a better world. vowed NEVER to work for money again, and be HONEST in all endeavours , whatever the cost, for the sake of the planets children.
* Formed Freedome & Union (mission) & associated charity projects (EPOCH)May 1 2000 during "U-haft"
ReplyDeleteUasSA WARbiz “ War is a language of lies. Cold and callous, it emanates from dull,
technocratic minds, draining life of color. It is an institutional
offense to the human spirit.
Pentagon speaks the language of war. The President and the Congress
speak the language of war. Corporations speak the language of war.
They sap us of outrage and courage and the appreciation of beauty.
They commit carnage of the soul. < >
…. …...AND ameriCANTS keep delieverying their favourite youth
as FODDER to their perverse establishment <
stating the obvious ; JANUARY
18, 2023
Roulette from Hiroshima to the Cuban Missile Crisis
WITTNER …………...
C-P’s Pete Dolack stating the obvious ; (
Footy INTERLUDE! …………… young irish lad Connor, priced out
of the english platic money league
< >
“Arise” is not an uprising… online is NOT enough, to easy to
particiate without consequences
this end, on February 1, I’m delighted to be part of a unique
online rally Building
the fightback in 2023,
bringing together numerous unions taking action including the PCS,
FBU and CWU with myself, Diane Abbott, Richard Burgon and others. I
hope you can $ join
us there$ .
in solidarity,
Mowlana, Young Labour Chair, (via Arise & Labour Assembly.)
I am delighted to be part of this vital event. Please register
today $ here$ .
< >
DeleteUasSAcorp preoccupation with Ukraine has led to reduced U.S. interest in pursuing diplomatic alternatives to the current round of militarization. <
> ……………. sickest society of a sick planet “ the
McCarthy-era thought police functions performed by the FBI in the
1950s are today outsourced to reactionary private groups and “news
organizations” who target intellectuals critical of various US
policies. <
“…………..” Pentagon now refers to Israel as “leading
strategic partner.” &
the challenges for deterrence vis-a-vis Russia and China do not
augur well for a more predictable or peaceful international arena “
< > as
UasSA “MSM consistently refers to the record defense budget ($858
billion), “ignore an additional $300 billion that is devoted to the
military. “…………
ameriCANTS were warned almost 6 decades ago .. “ King’s Beyond
Vietnam sermon,
delivered on April 4, 1967, at New York’s Riverside Church, was as
predictive as it was powerful and prophetic. Its meaning and value
exist today as much as they did nearly 55 years ago. <
> “
…BLAME . the sheeple , the public just dont care enough about
pollution, or poison… Monsanto are killers, but the weak population
enable them by failing to boycott such corPRAT CRIMINALS! (
) …. as the weak “alternativ media drift into “wishful thinking
mode” <
> do the sheeple deserve dto be saved from nuclear destruction
& radiation? ….if they dont get BOILED first?? “ NASA
claims that 2022 was one of the hottest years ever recorded with
record-breaking heat waves around the world, <
by Bobby H..again, and again >
the surrender of opposition to fascist govt evident worldwide …
such as “the praline” (soft – centred) “labour” party… in
the UasSA colony ..a.k.a UK is almost as bad… “ the
left have been so timorous, unimaginative and docile, so lacking in
principle and self-belief “ ...<